AAC: « Sur les routes d’Arabie ; itinéraires terrestres et maritimes », IMA (Paris), 12, 13 et 14 décembre

Date limite de soumission 17 mai

Routes de l’Orient is proud to announce the next international symposium, On the Road of Arabia: Itineraries by Land and Sea, From the Bronze Age to the Islamic Period. It will be held in Paris at the Institut du Monde Arabe from the 12th until the 14th of December 2024.

The call for papers is open until Friday, May 17th, 2024


  • 👇 More information on the call for papers attached:

AAC Roads Arabia - IMA 12-13 Dec 2024


  • The aim of the symposium is to study the overland and maritime routes of the Arabian Peninsula and the exchanges they made possible, through archaeology, history, philology, religion and life sciences. This topic will be addressed in the longue durée, from the Bronze Age to the Islamic period. The symposium will also examine the networks of exchanges with border regions such as the Indian subcontinent, the Horn of Africa and Egypt, as well as the empires of the Ancient Near East, and the Greek and Roman empires.

  • We invite papers from archaeologists, historians, art historians, epigraphists, ceramologists, philologists, ethnologists, anthropologists, biologists, archaeozoologists and others.



Source: https://rdorient.hypotheses.org/category/conferences-expositions-evenements/colloque-sur-les-routes-darabie

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